Relationship and love


It feels good to identify the soft, and warm flesh rubbing on mine.
Holding my arms tight around you is the only thing I ever wished for.
Pulling you to my heart reminds me of how it began.
I remember you never said any romantic words, but you never stopped staring into my eyes.
I said hello but you were speechless.
Your glance spoke a lot about what you wanted. I could feel it.
Yeah! You welcomed me when I walked up to you.
We became very good friends. I continued falling into your pit of affection.
You are always silent, and I sometimes wonder what runs through your mind but I never got any answer.
It is good to enjoy the heart that is full of exploring the gift of love.
I love doing whatever makes you happy. I thought we were in love not until you came in unhappy.
You wouldn’t eat or utter any word. You were pushed to speak after a week of silence.
You said,” I am sorry I found the love of my life.”
Oh no! I first thought I was buried while still alive.
Tears couldn’t express my feelings nor a smile of any kind analyze my thoughts.
I said to myself ”Definitely! Not all who wander are lost.” I thought you had feelings for me on that first day we met but I was wrong, my face might have reminded you of someone special to you.
I was so hungry for love to think of you. I’m now seeing the reasons for all that happened between us.
I remember you never told me you love me. I got deceived by your kindness for love not realizing it could be your usual self.  I was foolish to speak or think for you.
Yes, I tried to do all that makes you happy but I never asked what makes you happy.
Now it’s hard to let go and also hurts to hang on. I now realize we choose the routes to our destination in life. Realwithkem!

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